4 a.m. start and off i went ... this mark (now.. its a mark!) is RIGHT up inside Cork harbour..... and i am still in shock...
I thought i might... get a schoolie ...maybe??
Opened the boot of the car and no head light... duh!
Crept about till the light came up and started fishing hard then.
A knock? a bump? the place was full of mullet ...a good sign..... then WALLOP!
Feed shallow got nailed.... big bend... and me shouting stay on!!!!!
and she did!

Barbless hooks fell out! slipped her back and off she went.... me punching the air "YES!"

Then out with the F.S. again and after a few more casts a swirl and i thought no way!
Bang! fish on!
smaller but lovely.....

But sadly the hook had torn a gill and she/he bled very badly... so home for a meal ... its years since this happened so we were due one i guess...
A few more swirls ... but time ran out very quickly... and work called... back home with the fish... and dash for work with time to spare for a coffee and to say.....
Thank you Iain Mortimer!!
It says a lot about the water quality in the upper harbour.... Bass off Brian Boru bridge next week..........(LOL)
EDIT.> rod ..Fladen 11ft Maxximus Predator.. reel..Shimano Nexave 4000 rb.. line 10lb mono..lure Feed Shallow Mullet 128.