Yes... fishing heaven... one of those days you think.."IT cant get any better than this...."
Set the alarm for 3:45am... but my phone is set not to alarm on Saturday or Sunday...D'oh!
Sat bolt upright in the bed at 4:15 am and wondered why the alarm didn't go off?
The car was loaded, so a quick Java and away!
Launched in perfect conditions and set the fly rod up with a small red-gill eel on an inter. sinking line ... the mark was a paddle away and i could troll to it..
The rest is history, i watched the gulls working the surface and where ever they went i did too and i got hit after hit of some quality fish and they all fought well on the fly rod..The final tally was ten Bass and two pollack..(usually the other way round without the
Back to the launch spot later to see a nice rolling surf in to the beach, so everything strapped down and the mobile slipped inside my dry suit neck!!
I got taken by a wave, but leaned back and braced out with the paddle and surfed in perfectly!!
What a morning!!!!!

Edit.... The video just does not do the situation justice... but its only a mobile phone! Sorry!